The Bureau of Business (The Bureau) will launch a premium online offering, designed to inspire leaders to ‘think differently’.
Lifestyle is keeping true to its parent brand. The Bureau continues to grow, innovate and empower businesses with new ways to adapt to the changing needs impacting businesses and brands today.
Lifestyle’s editor, Sandra said: “Everything we do at The Bureau is about smarter thinking. The way we go about our progress is by making our products and services beautifully tailored to empower today’s brands and make them relevant and meaningful. We enrich our leaders with inspired thinking and motivate our future generation of leaders with programs like, #befabulous. Coming soon.
Apart from our passion, we deliver growth strategies that empower brands and businesses with unique capabilities to optimize their position in this agile environment. Sandra added: “the launch of Lifestyle is a huge achievement for us at The Bureau. It affirms our dedication to delivering valuable information to empower today’s leaders with substance as they adapt to today’s challenges.”
Lifestyle is available from mid August with a focus on leadership, business, politics, travel and leisure, design, food and wine, health and well-being and fashion. It also includes authoritative leadership profiles by our team of leading writers.
Lifestyle is published each week day morning and distributed to inboxes within Australia and around the globe.
The Offer – For a Limited Time Only
For a short time only, The Bureau will offer the first 20 subscribers to Lifestyle a free introductory consultation. The one-hour session will provide helpful ways to empower your brand and business offering. To be eligible for this opportunity, readers must subscribe before Friday 5 August, 2016.
To subscribe to Lifestyle, click here.
In mid August, The Bureau of Business (The Bureau) will launch a premium online offering, designed to inspire leaders ‘think differently’.
Lifestyle is keeping true to its parent brand, The Bureau continues to grow and innovate and empower businesses with new ways to adapt to the changing environment impacting businesses and brands today.
Lifestyle’s editor, Sandra Aloi said: “Everything we do at The Bureau is about smarter thinking. The way we go about our progress is by making our products and services beautifully tailored to empower brands and businesses, we enrich our leaders with inspired thinking and motivate our future generation of leaders with our soon to be released, #befabulous program. And, we just happen to deliver growth strategies that empower brands and businesses with unique capabilities to optimise their position in this agile environment and enable brands to remain relevant and meaningful.”
Sandra added: “the launch of Lifestyle is a huge achievement for us at The Bureau. It affirms our dedication to delivering valuable information to empower leaders with substance as they adapt to the changing environment at home and in the workplace.”
Lifestyle becomes available in mid August to inspire leaders with a focus on leadership, business, politics, travel and leisure, design, food and wine, health and well-being and fashion. It also includes authoritative leadership profiles by our team of leading writers.
Lifestyle delivers its unique offering in mid August to an AB readership that demand the best.” The online offering will be delivered each week day morning to your inbox.
The Offer – For a Limited Time Only
For a short time only, The Bureau will offer the first 20 subscribers to Lifestyle a free consultation to empower their brand and business offering. To be eligible, readers must subscribe before Friday 5 August, 2016.
To subscribe to Lifestyle, click here.